Ensuring efficient and quick handling of law proceedings: EUPOL COPPS and EUAM Ukraine cooperate on Criminal Case Allocation
Criminal Case Allocation (CCA) is mainly about the methodologies, or the criteria used to distribute the criminal cases among the prosecutors within the Public Prosecution Office.
EUPOL COPPS’ Senior Prosecution Adviser Elisabeth Trouve, from Sweden, shared about her experience on CCA in Sweden to Ukrainian colleagues by participating online in a workshop organised by EUAM Ukraine on 13 November.
Fifteen prosecutors from the Office of Prosecutor General of Ukraine, two heads of local prosecution offices in addition five EUAM representatives attended the event that brought together several subject matters for discussions, including on the principle of the independence and impartiality of Prosecutors.
The workshop aimed at strengthening the capacity of the prosecutorial services on effectiveness and efficiency through improving their organisational capacities in relation to the principle of the independence and impartiality of prosecutors, with a special focus on the Venice Commission Reports, GRECO’s recommendations and corruption prevention culture. GRECO is a Group of States against Corruption that was established in 1999 by the Council of Europe to monitor States’ compliance with the organization’s anti-corruption standards.
The EUPOL COPPS expert contribution for the Ukrainian audience focused on CCA best practices, challenges and opportunities.