Nelson Mandela Day is Every Day – EUPOL COPPS in Jericho Correctional and Rehabilitation Center

Everyone knows who Nelson Mandela is. Not as many though might be aware of the “Nelson Mandela rules” concerning best standards for imprisoned individuals worldwide, at least by countries and institutions abiding by the respect for Human Rights and Rule of Law. Nelson Mandela Rules translate into an obligation to treat all prisoners with respect for their inherent dignity and value as human beings, and to prohibit torture and other forms of ill-treatment.
EUPOL COPPS supports the Palestinian Civil Police Correctional and Rehabilitation Centres Department (CRCD) to enhance their capacity and align operations to international standards through mentoring were applicable. In other words, the Mission’s work also advocates for the application of the Nelson Mandela Rules.
To plan and implement upcoming activities with the Jericho Correction and Rehabilitation Centre on a need-based approach, EUPOL COPPS Penitentiary Advisors joining the Mission in the last weeks, met with their Palestinian counterparts in Jericho, few days before the marking of International Nelson Mandela Day.
“We care a lot about the rehabilitation of inmates, in fact many here have the opportunity to study, to get a degree and to learn skills to be integrated in the society, once out,” said, in a nutshell, the Palestinian Deputy of Director Correctional and Rehabilitation Centers Department, Col. Hatem Ajaj when speaking to EUPOL COPPS advisors in Jericho. The Director of Jericho Correction and Rehabilitation Centre, Jurist Colonel Raed Al-Rimawi, also met EUPOL COPPS advisors, taking them with his colleagues to visit all the facilities. The walls of the management offices are adorned with mosaics, embroidery and other artefacts made by the inmates, males and females. These are also in display in the dedicated areas of the rehabilitation and correctional building, constructed in the year 2011 thanks to European funds, namely from the Netherlands.
The artefacts can be sold, so that the inmates can have an income to support their families, the same happens with the other productions, for example pastries, sold to the public, or to municipalities, as it has recently happened in Nablus, told EUPOL COPPS the CRCD officials.
Importantly, inmates serving sentences in Palestinian rehabilitation and correctional institutions have the opportunity to study, including at the Al Quds Open University, and some graduated. This year, 40 inmates also took the Palestinian Government examination, secondary education allowing for university access gaining, and are now waiting for the results.
During the visit to the facility, EUPOL COPPS advisors also met several women officers covering diverse roles, including in middle-management.
The Palestinian CRCD, as explained by the officers, is committed to a social and humanitarian approach, and a safe environment for the people serving a sentence. To this extent, cooperation with EUPOL COPPS on programmes, workshops, study visits and other interaction, is needed and welcome.
Post-care period programmes with other Palestinian civilian institution are nowadays applied by the CRCD in Jericho.
EUPOL COPPS strives to support its Palestinian counterparts working in the Security Sector and Rule of Law.
For EUPOL COPPS Penitentiary Advisors Nelson Mandela Day is every day.
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