EUPOL COPPS organises study visit for Palestinian officials on anti-corruption and witness protection with a special focus on Gender

From 23 until 29 January 2022, EUPOL COPPS organised a study visit to Madrid for three officials from the Palestinian Anti-Corruption Commission (PACC) and the Palestinian Civil Police to further enhance the knowledge and introducing a good EU system in fighting corruption with a special focus on the system of Witness Protection and Gender.
The participants carried out a number of visits to relevant entities, including:
Spanish Judicial Police (Guardia Civil), specialized in International Cooperation, Anticorruption and Economic Crimes, Witness Protection, Equality and Domestic Violence, with special focus on how to deal with female victims of crime.
Specialised Police Units (SEPBLAC and UCO) tackling money laundry and economic crimes. The participants attended several meetings at the High Judicial Council, such as with the International Relations Unit, Training and Selection Unit and Gender Unit and were received by three members of the High Judicial Council.
The High Court (Audiencia Nacional) specialized mainly in anticorruption, organized crimes and terrorism.
The NGO International Transparency, wherein the index used to assess the corruption level in every country was explained, in addition to the process of evaluation of the relation between gender and corruption.
In turn, the members of the PACC explained the support received by the Mission and their needs, focusing on gender and equality plans.
This study trip forms part of EUPOL COPPS' support to strengthen the Rule of Law in Palestine and to consolidate the efforts of the Palestinian Authority in fighting corruption.
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