The EU Mission for the Support of Palestinian Police and Rule of Law


EUPOL COPPS involved in discussions on Security Sector strategic plan drafting to support Palestinian Ministry of Interior

EUPOL COPPS involved in discussions on Security Sector strategic plan drafting to support Palestinian Ministry of Interior

The Head of EUPOL COPPS (HoM), Karin Limdal, met with the Palestinian Minister of Interior (MoI), Ziad Hab Al-Reeh, on 28 January in Ramallah.    On the occasion, the minister mentioned about the challenges Palestinian security forces are facing while enforcing law and order, especially in the northern West Bank districts. Mrs. Limdal said that EUPOL COPPS is ready to provide support to the new three-year Security Sector Strategic Plan. Amongst the 23 advisers of EUPOL COPPS’ Security Sector Reform Section, two advisers from Portugal and Sweden are allocated to the MoI, providing advice on strategic planning and policy.     

EUPOL COPPS and Palestinian Attorney General Office discuss future cooperation

EUPOL COPPS and Palestinian Attorney General Office discuss future cooperation

The Head of EUPOL COPPS (HoM), Karin Limdal, met with the Palestinian Attorney General Akram Al-Khatib to discuss ongoing activities and cooperation, on 29 January, in Ramallah. The participation of Palestinian prosecutors in EUPOL COPPS activities, that are continuing despite the challenging situation in the districts, was mentioned in the meeting including the review of the public prosecutor-police Memorandum of Understanding and the organisation of a large-scale prosecution-police conference. The Chancellor conveyed to the HoM his appreciation for the Mission’s efforts in the organisation of a three-day event held in Bethlehem focusing on enhancing cooperation among all criminal justice actors, adding that it would be appreciated if this project could be taken forward to other districts in Palestine.    

EUPOL COPPS’ support to Palestinian High Judicial Council remains unwavering

EUPOL COPPS’ support to Palestinian High Judicial Council remains unwavering

The Head of EUPOL COPPS (HoM), Karin Limdal, met with Chief Justice / President of the Palestinian High Judicial Council (HJC), Mr. Mohamed Abedghani Aliwawi, on 28 January in Ramallah. Especially under the current circumstances in the region, the Mission’s support for the Justice Sector, and the HJC remains unwavering, said Mrs. Limdal, during the meeting, adding that EUPOL COPPS’ support is aimed at exploring the challenges the HJC and the courts system are facing, mentioning the recent cooperation both with Swedish- and Jordanian court authorities facilitated and financed by the Mission. Asked about the preparedness of the HJC for Gaza, the Chief Justice said that a needs assessment was submitted to the Ministry of Justice.  “The justice sector in Gaza Strip is destroyed. We must start from scratch there,” added Mr. Aliwawi. During the meeting, the important role of the Palestinian Judicial Institute in training future judges was discussed and in connection with that the HoM welcomed the HJC efforts to form a female judge’s network to promote female empowerment and career advancement without obstacles in the judiciary.

EUPOL COPPS and Palestinian Anti-Corruption Commission jointly work on Palestinian Bar Association skills enhancement

EUPOL COPPS and Palestinian Anti-Corruption Commission jointly work on Palestinian Bar Association skills enhancement

Corruption exists in EU countries as in Palestine. To enhance the anti-corruption methodology skills of lawyers from the Palestinian Bar Association, EUPOL COPPS and the Palestinian Anti-Corruption Commission delivered a joint training session on the definition and classification of corruption crimes, and the investigative processes, on 29 January, in Ramallah.Thirty-four lawyers (20 female) attended the training session.As exchange of best practice, EUPOL COPPS Swedish advisors on prosecution share examples of what works in their country.EUPOL COPPS places significant emphasis on supporting anti-corruption initiatives in Palestine, recognizing their vital role in state-building and the enhancement of the rule of law. 

One of Us

“I want to be one of them”, said 4-year-old Anu pointing at a police car

“I want to be one of them”, said 4-year-old Anu pointing at a police car

Looking out of the window at her grandparents’ house in the town of Pori, Finland, Anu Aro, asked her grandma what that was pointing the finger at a police car. “I want to be one of them”, said the then 4 years old Anu. It was the winter of 1974. By the age of 23, after having spent a sabbatical in Cyprus (1989-1990) working as au pair, Anu joined the Finnish Police, getting first a Diploma in Police Studies, then a Bachelor in Police Command Examination, and a master’s degree in Social science studies from Universities in  Finland. Whilst working and studying, Anu had 3 daughters, now age 30, 28 and 22. At present, while deployed as a Finnish secondee at EUPOL COPPS as Senior Police Advisor in Training, Anu is about to finish another master’s degree in security and risk management criminology at the University of Leicester, in the UK. EUPOL COPPS is not the first international mission for Anu, as she consecutively worked in   international missions as of 2104. She served in Afghanistan (EU and GIZ/German cooperation), Liberia (United Nations) and Somalia (EUCAP Somalia). Asked “why” EUPOL COPPS at this stage of her personal and professional path, Anu recalls that this very Mission was the first she ever applied for in 2012. “I was the second-best candidate” says Anu, explaining that she opted for Afghanistan, to later discovered later that the selected competitor for Palestine did not go in the end. Therefore, when recently a possibility materialised to join EUPOL COPPS it felt for Anu like closing a circle, so she applied for the position she now covers, explains Anu. Another reason for joining EUPOL COPPS, continues Anu, is the fact that she is “a person constantly working on self-development and self-education, passionate about history”, always eager to see with her own eyes about the situation on the ground in Palestine, which she read about for long time. When discussing about the challenges that a woman, a mother, can face about the choice of joining a Mission, Anu says: ‘When I went to my first Mission my youngest daughter was 12. It was possible for me to go to know everything was fine at home, as I had a good agreement with her father. Anu reveals that at time she felt criticized by some of her male colleagues in the Finnish police for her choice to go leave her children to go to  Missions . “The advice I would give to women willing to be deployed in Missions is to ignore other people’s opinion. Of course you change your life, so you might lose some friends because there is less time to spend together”.  Anu underlines the importance of the quality of time she had and has with her daughters when serving in Missions, like going on holiday together. She also recalls hard moments as several times she fond herself under attack in Afghanistan, having to spend up to 16 hours in a bunker, with all the consequential difficulties in communication with her family. “I always called my daughters from the bunker where I sheltered with my colleagues to reassure them. I have always tried to inform them about everything because things go so fast to the news nowadays and I want them to get the first information from me instead of reading it from the internet”. Talking about her daily work at EUPOL COPPS Anu explains that she finds out about what kind of trainings are needed by the Palestinian Civil Police, focusing also on Gender mainstreaming. She tries and find out for example why women do not attend certain training activities and what should be done about it. “Nowadays Palestinians are willing to send their daughters to train as police officers, also as a source of income for the family, but at the same time there are worried about their safety”. Anu recognises that her long-term experience in many crisis areas makes her “a very different person than before”. “I see the difference between me and people that have had similar life and professional experiences and the ones back home that have not” says Anu. “For example, at home people debate about politically correct wording of things, or topics that looked at from other parts of the world frankly look irrelevant”. The woman who aged 4 knew she would wear a police uniform, concludes: “my observation is that in wealthy countries people easily see small things as a problem, unlike in places where people have worries about bringing food on the table and have to walk long hours for water or to reach the workplace”.]  

Meet our Senior Police Adviser - General Policing

Meet our Senior Police Adviser - General Policing

The Press and Public Information Office is pleased to introduce the next Advisor in our ‘Meet our Advisors’ section. Christian is a German colleague, very soft spoken and kind, and we are very much in awe of his years of experience and interesting expertise as a Police Officer.   1. Tell us a little about yourself (nationality, professional background and experience and expertise)    My name is Christian, I am a police officer from Duesseldorf in Northrine-Westfalia in the western part of Germany and can look back on a 30-year career. I have spent more than ten years in various (leadership) positions in the riot police and I served several years in a permanent service unit that supported the Chief of Police in large operations. Since 2017 I have been a senior police officer and have held different positions in crime fighting/prevention, operations and project management. I introduced the distance electro impulse device, also known as Taser, in my (last) Headquarter, and developed regulations as to how to use it.   2.  Explain your portfolio here at EUPOL COPPS   I have been a EUPOL COPPS Mission Member since August 2023. I am a Senior Police Adviser in the area of General Policing. In this position, there is no unit that I look after exclusively. Conversely, I support my direct superior in areas where there is a need. Before the 7 October, it was the Bethlehem Project, while currently I am responsible for Crowd Management and Information Led Policing.    3.  What do you enjoy most about forming part of EUPOL COPPS, and about working in the Region?    Due to the current situation, it is not easy to respond to this question in the manner it deserves. From a personal perspective, I like the flexibility in my position and that I can get to know different portfolios and counterparts. The people are very friendly, hearty and hospitable. In a way, people are more relaxed and take life easier. In Germany we have so many rules and sometimes we make it difficult for ourselves. I experience that difference here in a positive way.   This region is so rich in history, I am grateful to be able to work in a CSDP Mission here. I understand the Middle East conflict more and more because I live and serve here. I get my knowledge and understanding of the conflict from the different people I talk to, who tell me their experiences and impressions. And not just from the media like many others who don't have the chance to be here on the ground. Of course, the events since 7 October have been dramatic and many people are suffering. That also has an impact on my daily work and feelings.    4. What are the challenges you face, and how, in your view, may they be overcome?    I think the situation was already challenging before the eruption of the current crisis, but now it has become even more so. Despite the challenges and the evolving situation, which we cannot influence, we as EUPOL COPPS have remained on the ground the whole time. We are aware of our responsibility and, even in this difficult situation, I think it is important to show the PCP and our partners that we are there. We are not leaving our counterparts alone and continue to offer our support. In particular for the day after the war.  The situation is also challenging for all of us advisers. At first our families just missed us after we have been deployed. Now they are very worried about the security situation. We see our counterparts and our local colleagues suffering. Many other people are suffering. I think it's important to strengthen your own resilience. We talk a lot about the situation and I experience a high level of mutual support. Despite all the tragedy, that is the positive side.    Press and Public Information Office: Christian, many thanks for granting us the interview. It is a pleasure for us to get to know you further!  

Meet our Head of Security Sector Reform Section

Meet our Head of Security Sector Reform Section

 Despite the turbulent times here in the Mission Area and beyond, EUPOL COPPS very recently welcomed our new Head of SSRS (Security Sector Reform Section). Our Finnish colleague Kai joined us from Finland. Kai has served in the region before, also within EUPOL COPPS, and as a Mission, we are very fortunate to have him back in our midst. Press and Public Information Officer spent some time with Kai to get to know him a bit better, and we would like our audience to get to know him too. Tell us a little about yourself (nationality, professional background and experience and expertise) I come from Finland. I am a serving police officer with over 33 years of professional experience of which 17 years in senior management level. My current job is in the National Police Board which is the supreme command of Finnish police. My special responsibilities are the strategic management of national K9 activities, national procurement and budgeting of protective gear and weaponry and Nordic countries uniformed policing co-operation. I’m also one of the supreme command national duty officers.   My background contains experience from almost all aspects of policing: uniformed policing, criminal investigations, technical surveillance, immigration and weapons administration, all in both operational and supervisory positions. I have worked as a teacher in the Police College of Finland teaching operational leadership and management. I have also worked as a head of drug investigations department of the Finnish Customs. On an international perspective I have lived away from Finland for some time of my life. As a child I lived in Australia for five years, one year in Saudi Arabia and two years in Iraq. After that I spent one year in the USA as an exchange student. As an adult I have spent one year in South Lebanon in the UN peacekeeping mission. In 2011-2012 I was seconded to the USSC Ramallah -mission as a senior police advisor with the responsibility of assessing and validating the Intermediate Leaders Course for the PA security forces. And my latest secondment here was 2016-2017 when I was the senior police advisor for community policing. So in a way my current post as the Head of SSRS seems to be a logic continuation. My expertise is widespread and I have a good understanding on almost all aspects of policing as well as their interconnectivity and dependence. I have management and leadership skills of both police and civilian personnel. Explain your portfolio here at EUPOL COPPS My post within EUPOL COPPPS is the Head of Security Sector Reform Section (SSRS). The job description contains the leadership and management of the section as well as providing expertise in the issues needed. Within SSRS, I am very fortunate to have an excellent team of Police Advisors coming from all sectors of expertise. What do you enjoy most about working in the Region, given that this is not your first experience here? The people are very friendly and hospitable and easy to talk to. For a Finn (we are mostly regarded as mute) this is very refreshing and on the other hand also slightly intimidating! I am intrigued by the history and complexity of the region. The historical sites all around the region tell stories of different times and reigns. I see them as monuments of the rise and fall of eras. I also think that the landscape is one of the most beautiful in the world, in all of its ruggedness and with all its different features from the northern mountains to the rolling hills towards the Dead Sea, the Mediterranean seashore and deserts towards the Gulf of Aqaba. What are the challenges you anticipate facing, and how, in your view, may they be overcome? I think we are witnessing the greatest challenge in EUPOL COPPS history at the moment. The situation has dramatically and sadly taken a horrendous turn in the past days and weeks. Despite the challenges, we as a Mission continue to implement our mandate with our counterparts, notwithstanding the trying times we find ourselves in. It comes as no surprise that the focus of our counterparts is very much on the current situation. However, life needs to continue and it is clear that most of the people want stability and safety in life. I believe that EUPOL COPPS, together with our counterparts are making a grand effort in making this possible. How will this challenge be overcome is a million dollar question… I believe we need to “keep on keeping on” and try to think about the “day after”. When this is over the time will come for reconciliation and stabilisation. In my perspective we play an important role. Every individual EUPOL COPPS family member has her/his part to play in supporting the communities and people. Press and Public Information Office: Kai, thank you very much for granting us this interview! It is indeed a pleasure to welcome you back to EUPOL COPPS. Within the PPIO Team, we are proud to work alongside you and the SSRS Team, and sincerely look forward to building upon our excellent collaboration.  

Meet our Senior Police Adviser -Institutional Development - Human Resources

Meet our Senior Police Adviser -Institutional Development - Human Resources

 In our interviews so far, we’ve encountered a number of EU colleagues, as well as a Turkish colleague. Nevertheless, here at EUPOL COPPS, we are also fortunate to have two Canadian colleagues forming part of our Security Sector Reform Section (formerly named the Police Advisory Section); Canada being one of the three Third Contributing Countries to EUPOL COPPS. Our dear colleague Shelly has been with us for over a year. Always ready with a helping hand, our counterparts not only benefit from Shelly’s long years of experience and expertise, but also her kind and soft spoken approach.    Tell us a little about yourself (nationality, professional background and experience and expertise)  Thank you for this opportunity.  I have over 35 years of policing experience with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Canada’s National Police Service and 5 years’ experience as a Vancouver City Police Reservist.  As a result, I have been afforded many opportunities that have provided me with a diverse background of experience, ranging from serving in  Indigenous/Diverse communities, at Municipal, Provincial and National levels and at various ranks.  This has provided me with comprehensive experience in multiple fields of expertise.  I have worked at the strategic, tactical and operational levels throughout my career and have been afforded the experience to develop and work with strategic frameworks at Provincial/Federal government levels in Canada.  I have a comprehensive back ground in a variety of specialties in policing:  General Duty Policing, Crime Scene Analysis, Community Policing, Crime Prevention/Crime Reduction, to name a few.  All from operational, tactical,  philosophical and strategic perspectives; as well as extensive knowledge of Police Administration, Conduct and Human Resources practices and procedures. At a Federal level in Canada, I was seconded to the Office of the Federal Interlocutor for Metis and Non-status Rights (now Indigenous and Northern Affairs). I worked on and participated in the development of multi-jurisdictional social programs for Indigenous peoples at both the Federal and Provincial levels. Cultivating and fostering strategic long term partnerships was a critical component of achieving success. Prior to arriving in Mission, I was the acting Criminal Operations Officer in New Brunswick. In this role I was responsible for all operational, tactical and police operations responses in the RCMP jurisdictions of New Brunswick, including Gold Commander (Critical Incident Command) during a national incident. My substantive position was the Officer in Charge of the RCMP North-East District in New Brunswick. There, I was responsible for the operational and administrative policing functions for one third of the Province. I had a team of 181 employees.  My area of responsibility consisted of 10 detachments, 5 Indigenous communities, approximately 99 communities/villages, with a land radius of approximately 20,000 square miles. I have a Masters in Consitutional Law and Certficate in Human Rights law.   Explain your portfolio here at EUPOL COPPS  During my nearly year and a half in Mission, I have been holding the following portfolios: Institutional Development - Human Resources In this portfolio, I have been actively working with my counterpart on the development of individual performance assessments.  This project is being piloted in Jenin and Bethlehem, and will train unit leaders on supervision and performance indicaters of their team members. Accountability The project in this portfolio started with a baseline study of public complaints and was done in conjunction with my counterpart in the Grievance and Human Rights‘ Department.  The project is in phase 4 of  7 phases.  Field visits to police detention/holding cells have also been conducted to look at their processes.   The Palestinian Police Women’s Network I was honoured to be part of the original organizing group for the conference held in May 2022, and since that time I have been the portfolio lead, assisting the 25 founding members to develop their Terms of Reference, elect their Board Members and assist with their official launch in January 2023.  To date they have organized their application processes, logo and communication, whilst work is continuing on their annual plan.   What are the challenges you face, and how, in your view, may they be overcome?  At times I found it difficult when other international stakeholders are working on same or similar projects and there was no communication or coordination. This has been overcome by cultivating and fostering relationships/partnerships, along with increased communication.     What do you enjoy most about forming part of EUPOL COPPS, and about working in the Region?  I most enjoy the people here, my counterparts in the region, as well as my colleagues from around the world who join me here in the Mission.   The Region is filled with so much history, that prior to arriving here, it was a bit of a mystery to me; however now seeing and hearing from the people here, as well as forging what I believe will be long lasting frienships, the history and culture have come alive for me. It truly is an honour to be here working alongside my colleagues and with our counterparts.        
